- Chafing, chafing, all around Sunset Boulevard. - This week we are facing our fashion fears. - Fashion fears. - To me a fashion fear is e...
- Best Skincare Routine for Oily SkinApr 24, 20170
Since my teenage years I've had to deal with oily skin; from often problematic blemish-prone skin to a now oily T-zone with a multitude of different s...
- 7 Lush Product Reviews from Skincare to HairApr 21, 20170
Over the past few years I've come to love Lush products! It personally feels like a treat to go into Lush and pick up something new to try out, wh...
- The Ultimate Guide to SLS-Free ShampooApr 10, 20170
This blog post has certainly been a long time coming! The last time I wrote about SLS-free products, in particular SLS free shampoo was way back in 20...
- 101 Sheet Mask Guide - Best Brands, DIY Masks and Disney?!Mar 24, 20170
Rewind two years and you would have struggled to have found a single sheet mask in-store, anywhere (I'm talking UK here, FYI). They just didn'...
- Hero Products from Pixi Worth BuyingMar 13, 20170
This post started life as an overview of the new Pixi collab products with various beauty gurus* but with so many products, some just didn't float...
- What is your Favourite Lip Product Formula?May 26, 20170
Last week as I was re-organising my makeup, something I often do as my makeup desk gets ultra messy otherwise, I realised I had a clear favourite kind...
- The Latest QVC Tili Beauty Box ideal for SummerMay 26, 20170
If you're a long time reader of Makeup Savvy then you may have noticed a lack of beauty box reviews in the past 6 months. The reason, I'm ulti...
- The Ultimate Summer Primer for Oily SkinMay 25, 20170
Come summer oily skin can become an oil slick under makeup. Yep, there will be no sugar coating here. By the end of the day foundation and concealer, ...
- Three Makeup Dupes You Need To Know AboutMay 25, 20170
It's not often I talk dupes and there's no real reason for that... other than I just haven't.. until now that is! I also guess the term "dupe&quo...
- The Ultimate Hair Mask for Seriously Dry HairMay 24, 20170
With a monthly hair dying habit and a love of blow drying, you could say I've tried quite a few hair masks in the past 10 years! From �1 wonders ...
- Creating a Custom Highlighter & Blush Palette with Makeup Geek EyeshadowsMay 22, 20170
As a total highlight lover I've been using the incredible Shimma Shimma eyeshadow from Makeup Geek as a pigmented highlighter for quite some time ...
- The Art of Asking for Free Beauty SamplesMay 18, 20170
When it comes to asking for free samples it can be daunting, to say the least. From being afraid of approaching busy sales staff to worrying if you wi...
- Counterfeit Beauty Products: How to spot a fakeMay 17, 20170
For the longest time I've been meaning to sit down and write an updated post on fake makeup. The reason for this is since I last wrote about the t...
- My 5-Minute 5-Product Makeup RoutineMay 16, 20170
I'm not gonna' lie, when I'm in a rush my makeup routine is about speed over being minimal... because I simply can't do minimal, I can only do less. Y...
- 5 Light Coverage Foundations for Spring/SummerMay 11, 20170
Although the sun hasn't fully come out just yet I thought it was time to talk lighter bases that give a healthy glow and let the skin breathe.I pe...
Laddy Girls - What Does it Take to Be A Fashion Designer
- Hi, my name is Zachary Fernandez and I'm currently a fashion student. So I am starting my Kathmandu 2016 collection. My collection...
Laddy Girls - Top Trends 2018 according to Pinterest !Womens styleJustine Leconte
Hi everyone its Justine. Pinterest is that place where people pin things they like: if you take all the pins and the keywords that get s...
First let me check there's nothing on my face 'cause whenever I film a video it looks like I just woke up. Which I did, but you'...
Laddy Girls - Regular People Go To Fashion Shows For The First Time
- I feel like this day's gonna be better than my wedding day, honestly. (Synth pop music) Fashion Week to me is honestly, I think it...
Laddy Girls - JAPANESE FASHION TRENDS NOW AND TOMORROW. What will Japanese wear
Big sizes and letting things drop off your shoulder. And stretching your sleeves. I think that's in fashion right now. Strings. Like...
Laddy Girls - I Followed Body-Slimming Fashion Tips Throughout History
- I look like a marshmallow that someone just threw the stick and the marshmallow into the fire and was like fuck it, I don't want t...
Laddy Girls - How to do fashion sketches step by step
Hi, I am Ioana Avram and I am a fashion designer and a fashion illustration teacher from Romania, Europe. We will learn together how to do...
Laddy Girls - Fashion Week's New Looks
Today is the last day of summer. >> I can finally put away my string bikini, so that's good. >> [LAUGH] >> Last we...
Laddy Girls - Fashion Trends That Are Going To Take Over 2018
A new year means a whole slew of fun fashion trends to try and to incorporate into your already fabulous wardrobe. What silhouettes, fabri...