How to do fashion sketches step by step

Hi, I am Ioana Avram and I am a fashion designer
and a fashion illustration teacher from Romania, Europe. We will learn together how to do some fashion
sketches step by step. So today we said we will learn about how to
do a fashion sketch. I will use some special pencils, for example Staedtler, it's a German

You have here the number of the pencil - so it's 8B. This means the color is very dark, the shade
is very dark, and then, you have another brand that i would recommend, it's Toison d'Or,
and the last one, you will see here, it's Koh-I-Noor. And Koh-I-Noor also has the gray pencils.
They are almost the same like this one. This ones I would recommend because they have a
darker color, a darker shade.

So, for the beginning, the difference between
8B for example and B, like this one ( you will see the numbers of the pencils: 3B and
2B). So you have a lot of range of different pencils.You
will see that, the bigger the number is, the darker the color is. Like this one, compared
to, for example, 2B - that it's not so dark. So, at the beginning, we will leave an empty
frame around the page, like this.

It could be like one or two fingers, depending on the
size of the paper. So you have this safe area, just to make sure
you will not put your figure here, or here, or on the left or on the right side. Then, you'll split this in two, into equal
parts: so this is equal with this, and then, depending on the size of the paper - but usually
on this A4 - so it's an A4 format - you will need your thumb like this, and then you have
the shape of the human figure. You will have this one replicated by 7 times
and a half - until nine.

So this means the had enters nine times or seven and a half
in your human body and then you will leave half of the size of the human head - this
is for the neck here and then you will choose your shoulder line that will go down and having
this line down it means that the other line - or the hips - will go up. And then you connect the upper part of this
line - so this is AB - the B part you have to connect with this, with the symmetric line,
because otherwise your human body will fall in one part or the other and then this one
you can connect: you can go like this, or here, or you can go like here and this, and
then you just have this line that should be parallel with the link of the knee, and then
you can choose what's the position of your leg. After you did all these, you should know that
half this size is the size where the hands are finished , like this.
In the beginning you should do the axes, and then we will do the primary shapes and at
the end the connections between the shapes. Ok.

So, we will do the cylinders now, like
primary shapes: cylinders, spheres, cone and cube. And then here. The hand. And once the
drawing is finished you just go to the third step.

And you just connnect the shapes. Very
easily because you have the previous two: axes and primary shapes that will help you
draw the human body and then you just connect these simple shapes.
This is a very important muscle: because it is the bigger in the human body. And another
pair of muscles: this one is bigger, this one is smaller, this is on the left side and
this is on the interior side of the leg. You just connect them and then the lower part
of the leg and we are almost finished.

You just add some details if you want, to
the human face. Just to trace the axes where the eyes will be positioned, and the nose
and also the lips, and we are done. Please press "thumbs up" if you like this
video and you want more like it. Also, feel free to share it to your social network.

will post my new videos each Thursday, so don't forget to subscribe. I will do my best
to answer to all your comments. So ask anything you want, and feel free to leave any suggestions
for future videos! All are taken into consideration. For more info just visit my website fashion-teaching.Com.
Thank you and take care!.

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