2 Days & 1 Night - Season 3New Year Fashion [ENGTHAI2017.02.05]

(Sixth Sense Special) (For Joonyoung,) (this was his last chance to join the team again.) (Did the others guess that it was him?) The answer is... (Thanks to some guessing right,) (Joonyoung was able to join.) (Things can't get better than this.) I told you that it was Joonyoung! (We missed you.) (The story of their reunion.) (It all starts now.) - Hello. / - Hi. The six of us are finally back together.

(They can't believe that Joonyoung's really here.) - I can't believe I didn't recognize him. / - I know. Gosh. (The rest they'll talk about over dinner.) Should we head inside? My gosh.

(Impressed) - No way. / - Look at this. (A jaw-dropping feast) - My goodness. / - This is unbelievable.

Here you have vegetables from Mount Jiri. It's not only delicious but nutritious too and has been tickling the taste buds of many locals and tourists for many years. There are dried radish greens, bamboo shoots, seasoned aster and boiled Sancheong's black pork. - Black pork.

/ - Those and many more can be enjoyed with a bowl of yellow safflower rice. There's not a seat empty at the table now. We haven't felt this way warm in a long time. One person makes a huge difference.

Finally, we found the last piece to our puzzle. Normally, Defconn should be left out from dinner. But since today's a special day, a day of reunion for the six of you, we'll allow you to share dinner with them. - We should share.

/ - That's great. - It's no big deal. / - Defconn! - Thank you so much. / - Don't mention it.

I can't tell you enough how grateful I am. The director meant we only had rice for four. Don't you all know what a family is? Those who eat together are family. It's just like Junho to say something nice.

- The rice is yellow. / - No, I'm good. - We can share one. / - It's all right.

(Mr. Grand Award is flustered by Junho's generosity.) You can have this too. - I don't have to eat. / - It's all right.

- Thank you then. / - Here you go. - He doesn't want it. / - I'll keep mine then.

Don't be like that. - No way. / - Aren't you really not eating? (Being too generous backfired.) - I was only kidding. / - Of course.

- Let's enjoy. / - Let's eat. Bon appetit. - Let's enjoy.

/ - Is this kimchi? - Thank you. / - What's this? My goodness, what's this? (Yummy) Thank you so much for a great meal. (This is what I'm talking about!) What's this porridge? Please try the seasoned vegetables. Take some of this in front of you.

- Guys, this is to die for. / - What is? (What's delicious should be shared.) - This is amazing. / - Here you go. They're not ordinary mushrooms.

It's really good. - It sure is. / - The soup's amazing. Try the soup, everyone.

It's been awhile since we've dined together. It's like a holiday feast. (They're reminded of a holiday feast.) The food is like what we eat on holidays too. This is amazing.

I haven't seen you all this busy at dinner in awhile. - I love it being the six of us. / - I know. The food tastes better since it's a happy day.

How on earth did you get here though? We didn't expect you at all to join us today. What would've happened if none of us guessed Joonyoung? I would've had to wait, - until you called me 30 times. / - I see. So he could've joined while we were eating? Yes, he could've also joined you in the middle of the night while you slept.

That would've been hilarious. - Tell me about it. / - You know, I thought that all of them would get it right. I mean, who else has hair like this? - Well...

/ - You weren't on our radar. I know but still I thought you'd knew. - We thought it was impossible. / - Right.

I guessed correctly but even I was in doubt. - This is incredible though. / - Try some of this. If they had picked ten, I would've joined sooner.

- That's right. / - You should edit him cursing at us. Junho, I don't curse anymore. (I'm Joonyoung 2.0.) Don't say that again.

I don't curse now. (What is it like to curse?) You should rest too. (He cares for the staff who accompanied him today.) Did you go up the mountain with him? - Really? / - You went with him? - That must've been hard. / - I'm sure it was.

I feel so bad. Climbing Mount Jiri isn't an easy hike. She drew the short straw. - Is that why she was chosen? / - Of course.

I thought she volunteered to be with me. Up until the second episode since I left, they'd leave a portion of everything for me. You saw that, didn't you? That all stopped when Youjung came along. We didn't have enough to give her.

Didn't you tell me to leave the chat room? (Joonyoung didn't know this was part of the show.) - Who? / - Can you leave the chat room? Is this Joonyoung? - I remember. / - You shouldn't have joined in. Anyway, they forgot about me after two weeks. Junho was very excited to see you though.

He said now we have one more mouth to feed in a very upset manner. He's just that happy to see you. He seemed angry. That's me acknowledging your presence.

With him gone, I was able to sometimes come in third. Now I won't be able to. I actually thought about that too. We could win if we're split into two groups of three.

- That may be true. / - But you'll have me. - Still it's a 50-50 chance. / - But you'll have me.

Siyoon won't always win anymore. - That's right. / - He might lose at times now. Shouldn't we take the IQ test again? - Unfortunately, Joonyoung wasn't there.

/ - Yes. - He wasn't there. / - You could've impressed people. I heard your IQ was lower than 100.

(He's been monitoring the show.) Joonyoung should do all the things we've been doing. - I agree. / - Including the personality test. You should play dominoes as well.

It's really annoying. I want to do Avatar Blind Date with you. (Defconn wants to do Avatar Blind Date.) You could look totally pathetic. (That sounds fun.) - We even went to Mount Everest.

/ - That was tough. We climbed Mount Everest. Is that a name of a sledding park? - No, it's not. / - No, it was Mount Everest.

Do you know Um Honggil? - Watch the episode. We climbed with him. / - We did. - Did he really come? / - Of course.

(Yes, he did come.) Mr. Um. (It's just that he became sick at the end.) I wish he came to Mount Jiri as well. Would he not like to come to Mount Jiri? (It was as hard as climbing Mount Everest.) - My goodness.

/ - It's so tasty. - I need more rice. / - Give us more rice. - Let me give you some dessert.

/ - We have dessert? It's ripe persimmons. My goodness. Look at them. (They look amazing.) - They're huge.

/ - Let's split it in half. (He split the persimmon in half.) (It's plump.) It tastes like ice cream. (Amazed) I like the crunchy part inside. It tastes so good.

- This is the real dessert. / - I agree. (They love the dessert.) - How's it going with your new album? / - It's ready. - When is it going to be released? / - In February.

It's on the 21st of February, which is my birthday. (He promotes his birthday.) He hasn't changed. It's been almost four months since he left, right? It's been three months and a couple of weeks. (Joonyoung is back after about four months.) - Time flies.

/ - He's now in his thirties. - Tell me about it. / - He was in his 20s. Now he's in his 30s.

It feels like it's been a long while. - Maybe because it's New Year. / - Right. I feel bad he missed the awards.

He's right. We thought you'd come back then. You posted the photo. (He celebrated the awards on the social media.) - On Instagram.

/ - He's nice. I'll be nice to you too. - Did you bribe him? / - Already? Are you doing that already? I want him to like me. How scary.

Since Joonyoung is here, give us some coffee. (He uses Joonyoung as an excuse to ask for coffee.) He's always like that. Let us clear the table now. Let's clear the table.

Thank you for the food. (They go back to the yard with Joonyoung.) It's time for "Dinner Game" now. - Okay. / - Oh, my.

Where is the outdoor sleeping spot? Did you already give up? - Because Joonyoung is back. / - I don't want to lose. They make us sleep in weird places, like on a raft. - We're not kidding.

/ - We even slept next to a lion. When I opened my eyes, there was a lion in front of me. Where was the last place? - It was next to the sea. / - It was so cold.

(That was horrible.) Today, all of you can sleep inside. - Really? / - You should thank me for this. - Welcome back. / - Thank you.

- You're our lucky charm. / - You brought us luck. Let's go! It was really hard to climb that mountain. Mr.

Grand Award brings us good luck. I like this. The new year is going smoothly. I have a good feeling.

- But... / - "But"? - I knew it. / - But... I have a phobia about "but".

The room is too small, so you need to sleep in three different rooms. Now, I see it. The rooms are numbered. - My gosh.

/ - When did they number them? There are three rooms. Number one, number two and number three. Maybe one of the rooms is really hot. Some of the rooms might be as cold as outside.

- That must be how it is. / - I knew it. You should do it this way. Put some strange animals in the room.

- I don't want that! / - Some kind of weird animals. - I hate animals. / - Like reptiles. (Sleeping with reptiles?) Or birds that chirp nonstop.

Thank you for the good ideas. Now, please decide who will choose - the room first. / - It's better to choose later. Mr.

Grand Award, you go first. - Be a man / - Sounds good. You sound like a professional host. - Mr.

Grand Award should go first. / - You. Of course, you should go first. You know how to respect others.

Now, we know the order. You can enter the room one by one. You can't change your mind once you make a decision. - Do we have to sleep in the room we choose? / - Yes.

This is scary. I think each of them are cold, warm, and hot. Now, look ahead, everyone. Jongmin will choose one of the rooms and enter it.

- I'll just go in. / - Okay. Are there going to be two people in each room? Mr. Grand Award should go for number one.

I think we can hear him when he enters the room. It's so obvious where you're looking at. That's rather good for us. - It's easy to read him through his face.

/ - Yes. Which room should I choose? (It's not easy to choose.) - He's good. / - He's acting now. A real man should go for number one! - Is he still there? / - He won't choose number one.

I think he's going to choose number three. - He'll go for number 3. / - It's either number 1 or 3. - He'll choose number 2.

/ - It might be either 1 or 2. Choose number three. I think he should choose number two. Jongmin, hurry up.

(Which room did Jongmin choose?) He has entered the room. Now, it's Siyoon's turn. Please choose a room. He must've chosen number three.

What if it's raining in the room? Still, it's better than sleeping outdoors. Siyoon, don't look so closely like that. Choose one. - Choose one right away.

/ - He's using his brain. - Siyoon, you've changed. / - He'll choose number two. Siyoon has become sly.

Siyoon, just go for number three. What's the difference between the numbers? He made his decision. The game starts from now on. We never know.

Their eyes keep moving. They must be acting. I think I got the feeling. (The members start to use their brain.) Which number would that be? (Meanwhile, Taehyun...) At least one room must be a bad one.

The good one and the bad one must be apart. - So... / - You don't care about me at all, do you? You don't care about me at all. - Hurry up.

Open the door. / - Enter a room. (I choose this one.) (Taehyun also enters a room.) - This is... / - Let's remove this option.

Joonyoung, it's your turn. It must be lonely in the room number three. Room number three looks spooky. It'll be funny if he finds Jongmin in the room.

Then their love story will continue. (Jongmin's heart didn't react to Hyojoo.) It didn't? (There's only one person who made his heart pound.) (It's Jung Joonyoung.) (But it's always been one-sided love.) (Joonyoung avoids Jongmin while Jongmin wants him.) (Where is Jongmin?) Which room should I enter? (I don't want to get involved with him again.) This is going to tell your fortune of the new year. - It'll tell your fortune of the year. / - He's right.

Joonyoung, stop peeping. (He makes a decision.) (Are they going to be a nice match again this year?) It must've been either number two or three. The room number one is full now. The room number three is also full now.

(They have no choice.) So we're sleeping in the same room? Come on. We'd like to have some options as well. We have to bother them with our snoring. - Let's go.

/ - Let's go to the room number three. We've been lucky today. Hope for the best. - Good! / - Room number three! - Please open the door wide.

/ - Okay. - Number three! / - Let's go. - In one, two, three. / - In one, two, three.

(Who is going to be suffering the whole night?) - In one, two, three. / - In one, two, three. (Laughing) What is this? (It's me, the Cheerful Fool!) - What's going on? / - What is this? (This means...) - Could you step aside, please? / - What happened? - What's going on? / - But I heard it's full there. All of you, please open the room number two.

- What's in the room number two? / - What's in there? - Let's open the door. / - Let's open the door. - In one, two, three. / - In one, two, three.

(Is this room the bad one?) (What?) (They have to sleep with soybean lumps.) My gosh! (It stinks!) - The soybean lumps stink! / - I can't sleep there. My goodness. (Odor alert) - The soybean lumps stink! / - Can you sleep there? Let's check the room number one. Let's see the room number one.

Jongmin, open the door. - In one, two... / - In one, two, three. (What's in the room number one?) (Screaming) (The room is filled with peppers and soybean lumps.) (And Taehyun is sitting with them.) (We made it!) Our room is better.

Our room is better. - It smells spicy! / - I can't sleep there. - My eyes sting. / - It smells spicy.

I can't sleep there. - My eyes sting. / - There are chili peppers. - What's going on? / - It smells so spicy.

(It's a perfect combination.) - You can't sleep there. / - My eyes hurt in there. You can sleep in there but with the door wide open. - You can sleep with the door open.

/ - My goodness. Taehyun, keep the door open. Our room isn't so bad after all. It's much better than sleeping with chili peppers.

I don't smell anything in our room now. Some houses in the countryside are like this. Defconn, this is nice. - Mr.

Grand Award. / - Mr. Grand Award. Am I going to be sleeping alone? The tears you shed tomorrow will be soy sauce.

(He'll be able to produce soy sauce.) Did you know that rooms are connected with a door? - You can join Siyoon and Joonyoung. / - Right. - Does it open? / - It sure does. Does this open? Why would you open that? Why wouldn't I? Hang on a second.

Why wouldn't I open it? Not a chance. Our room will smell of chilies if you do. I didn't know about this. You should move the chilies to this side.

That's a great idea! (Only the ones in Room 3 will probably sleep tonight.) - Good night. / - Good night. Sleep tight, everyone. - Thank you for today.

/ - Thank you for today. Is it warm enough? - Let's head inside. / - Sure. (Joyful) - Let's go.

/ - Can you carry me? Here. (Here comes Mr. Grand Award.) All right. (Slam) (He collides with the beam straight away.) - It's this way.

/ - We're going the wrong way. (They're doing it on purpose.) Here we go. It's that way. - Here? / - Don't you dare.

No, don't. Not at the sharp edge. - Sorry, that was a mistake. / - There.

Now let's go inside. Gosh. You could have made him slam into this. (That was close.) - I couldn't be happier.

/ - This is awesome. I'm going to sleep right away. - Gosh. / - This is great.

How cozy is this? - Let's go to bed. / - This is great. (A devilish laughter) Good night! Gosh, this is great. For once, I'm sleeping indoors.

Taehyun won't be able to sleep today. He probably can't. I bet he'll cry all night. (Laughing) Can you believe it? Isn't this what you make doenjang with? That's right.

What if this falls on our heads while we sleep? Wouldn't we die on impact? (They'll be nervous all night.) Isn't that a possibility? What do I do with the chilies? (Taehyun has it the worst though.) Let's see how it is. (He tucks in to get the gist of it.) I'm lucky to have a stuffy nose from the cold I have. (Sniff) (A strong odor) (The chilies give off a strong smell.) The smell keeps creeping up at me. It gets worse by the minutes.

- Good night. / - You too. (The Seoulite can't sleep due to the odor.) I should... - Taehyun.

/ - Yes? - Open the door if you're too lonely. / - Okay. (The younger members open the door for him.) (Finally, I'm saved.) It doesn't smell that bad. I'm too scared to sleep alone.

I'm moving the fermented soybeans elsewhere over where the chilies are. They'll smell more if they're close to your head, - so have them at your feet. / - Right. You know smell tends to travel upwards, so if we try...

If that isn't the case... (Taehyun places his head on the threshold.) (He's at least away from the chilies.) Their room stinks of fermented soybeans too. (He's stuck between chilies and soybeans.) (Taehyun finally came up with a plan.) (He blocks his nose and breathes with his mouth.) No way. I feel much better now.

This isn't so bad. (At least he's satisfied.) (Now Taehyun tries to sleep.) (No one in Room Three are asleep yet.) I didn't expect Joonyoung to join us today. Finally, we're now a group of six again. Yes, we're finally whole again.

(They couldn't be happier at the thought.) I slept with you the first night I joined the team. That's right. - At the haunted house? / - Right. - Was that your first night? / - Yes.

The weather was nice then but now it's cold. Were there times that you desperately missed us? Well... - It felt weird watching reruns. / - Of course.

You had never been part of a group like this ever since your debut. That must be why you missed it a lot. (They mean so much to each other.) (Welcome back, Joonyoung.) (Meanwhile, Taehyun still struggles with the smell.) Isn't that right? (Thud) (He seeks refuge once again.) You'll hurt your neck. (He'll probably hurt his back.) (I can't take it anymore.) (Because of back pains, he goes back to his room.) (He's welcomed with the strong scent of chilies.) (He closes the door for the other two.) (Then he puts on another jacket.) (He finally opens the front door.) (He's forced to sleep with the door open.) (And like that, the six dream away.) (Two Days and One Night) (January 20, Yeouido KBS) (Snowflakes continuously fall to the ground.) (At this rate, everything will be covered in snow.) (Everyone waits in their cars.) You can come out now.

- What? / - It's time to shoot. (Junho uses the most appropriate prop.) What did you just say? Please get out of your car. Is it time already? Not everyone's here though. - Everyone's here.

/ - What? - They're all here. / - I'll come out when they do. I said everyone's here. (Junho tries to resist.) (Who threw the snow?) (It's a gift from Mr.

Grand Award.) You hit me right in the face. Mr. Grand Award! He arrived earlier than usual. We were almost snowed in.

- Mr. Grand award. / - Welcome. It seems like you're everywhere these days.

I see clips of you online almost every day. - Hi, everyone. / - Hi, Joonyoung. (Jongmin greets Joonyoung too.) My gosh, Joonyoung.

- This feels awkward. / - Why? You should just keep on walking. You look like someone passing by. Are you sure you're here for our show? - Hi, Defconn.

/ - Hi. - Hello. / - Hi. - Hi.

/ - Isn't he the food truck guy? The sweet potato vendor. How much for a packet of sweet potato? - That'll be two dollars. / - Really? Things feel quite crowded now. (It's thanks to Joonyoung.) - It's snowing like crazy today.

/ - Look. I heard that 20cm of snow is expected. We've never opened the show before on a snowy day like this. My vision is not clear from the snow.

(While everyone talks about the show,) (Taehyun keeps staring at Junho.) (Something's weird.) - Is that right? / - Hang on a second. Did you treat both your hair and eyes? (A hair dye and no bags under the eyes) (Is there something different about Junho?) (Alarmed) No way. - Is this true? / - Of course not. - Really? / - I didn't do anything.

- You did. / - You have bloodshot eyes. - You did it. / - I can tell the difference.

It was a simple procedure. It was a simple procedure. You look much better. I mean...

It's still swollen, though. - You look way better. / - He's right. You look younger.

He sure does. He does look younger - but he also looks more devilish. / - Right. He dyed his hair and treated his eyes to look younger.

My juniors said that it looks like shredded dry fish. (It's like he planted shredded dry fish.) It'll go great with drinks. I'll start off with some good news. After Jongmin won the KBS Grand Award, he ranked second among all celebrities in terms of his image.

(Congratulations.) I don't think it'll last long though. - His image? / - Still, I'm grateful. It's huge since Yu Jaeseok is in first place. Goodness.

- Is it out of all celebrities? / - He's in second. That's right and his popularity keeps on surging. He shot a commercial that only hot celebrities do. He was cast to film an advertisement for digital products.

- Really? / - You show a commercial? - How did you know that? / - No way. - Really? / - Are you serious? How long will it air? I've never shot one on my own before. - On your own? / - Gosh. - On your own? / - Did you have a partner? He said he was on his own.

What poses did you strike on set? Show us. Did you do something like this? (The pose that shocked the advertisement field) You mean like this? (His expression says it all.) He had no lines. By the way, were you also asked to design clothes? - What was that about? / - Clothes? Yes, now I remember. We got a call a day before.

(Three days ago, they were given a task.) Gosh, you startled me. (Junho appeared in the dark.) Where are you? (Where is he?) I'm in my car. (Does he ever get out of it?) In your car? I'm in my car. How did the procedure go? There's a bit of bruising.

(He has bruises from the procedure.) You can see that it's yellow. I'm now going to be the fairest of them all. (Greedy) Hello, Mr. Grand Award.

What's up? You have a mission for this week's shoot. - Suddenly? / - Yes. For the Lunar New Year, you'll design a New Year Outfit for one member. What's a New Year Outfit? (He's off to a rocky start.) Do you know what the Lunar New Year is? Yes but I still don't get it.

Is it a rice cake? What's that? (It's not like you lived abroad too.) Don't you know what it is? When you were a kid, didn't your mother buy you a new outfit for the Lunar New Year? Yes but who calls it that way? No mom would say that it's a New Year Outfit. You're only making stuff up to sound smart. It's a word people use. A New Year Outfit? - Clothes? / - Yes.

Do you mean the new clothes that are bought for New Year's Day? That's right. We randomly partnered you up. - Who's mine? / - Your partner is Siyoon. (No way!) Can I put him in a skirt? You can come up with whatever you want.

Can I use whatever material I want? Can I make it with fur? That's up to you. I'll keep the New Year spirit in mind and come up with something inspiring. Junho, your partner is Taehyun. (Junho and Taehyun) - Taehyun? / - That's right.

Gosh. I have the outfit left from the series "Jeon Woochi". Can I give that to him? Who's my partner? I need to know his size. You have great chemistry together these days.

He also beat you to a pulp recently. (It's Defconn!) Can I put him in any outfit I want? Sorry? Would it be all right to dress him like an animal? It's up to you. Just make sure that it suits Defconn. (Jongmin's delighted just by the thought.) Does it actually have to be an outfit? You're partnered with Mr.

Grand Award. My gosh, I'm honored. Let's see. Jongmin can stand the cold really well.

Right? Anyway, I'll do my best. I'll look forward to it. He called us after midnight. I was watching video games on TV.

It was quite the challenge. I made it until five in the morning. - What? / - Why did you do that? (Why?) - Really? / - Did you make it yourself? I spent that much time on the design. You should've just drawn what's on the screen.

Let the computer do all the work. Once it's done, you only need to add on. - You must've focused on the detail. / - Of course.

You're Mr. Grand Award, aren't you? I made sure that yours is warm. Taehyun suggested that we made it warm for everyone, so I changed my design. That's always been the story with us.

I changed my design because of it. (Smirking) I glued things together. I glued a few things together. To be honest, I wanted to dress Junho.

His outfit would need no materials. I didn't use much to make his either. (I'm comfortable naked.) I thought you said it should be warm. Just think of him as Tarzan.

(There will be a Tarzan.) (Junho's worried about what's to come.) I seriously wanted him as a partner. I spent a lot of money on materials. - Really? / - He won't be cold at all. I'm curious as to what they made for each other.

It could be cool or hilarious. Since we were asked to make these, we'd be showing it off somewhere, right? You're going to make us walk the streets somewhere. We'll be in those outfits all day. - Really? / - You're going to look awesome.

I made you an outfit that can be easily spotted in Yongsan or International Center for Electronics. - I'll tell you this. / - What? You won't look like a human being. (A twist) (His heart just dropped.) (They can't wait to see it.) No way.

(Defconn must be delighted.) You're asking for it if you dressed me like a pig. (You should look forward to his outfit too.) I can't wait to see what Jongmin designed. The outfits you designed are here now. (The outfits await them.) Are you that delighted? (They can't help but laugh.) Now I'm nervous.

Just so you know, yours came out awesome. Now you'll take the time to change into your outfits. I can't wait. You'll then strut your looks on the runway.

A New Year Fashion Show? Here? Please move backstage and try on your clothes. All right. - Let's go. / - The 2017 - Right.

/ - Winter Collection. (We can't wait to see the fashion show.) First, you'll get your hair and makeup done. - Mine doesn't need any makeup. / - Neither does mine.

I've never done anyone else's makeup before. This wasn't part of the mission. (They head to makeup without a plan.) I didn't know we had to apply makeup. Look at the makeup station.

- How do I open this? / - Just do your best. (Will they be able to pull it off?) I'm clueless as to what I should do. How do I draw a runny nose stain? A runny nose stain? You should use this color for that. (As a comedian, Junho knows what to do.) You should draw with a different finger.

That way you can draw in much detail. (Jongmin launches at Defconn.) Jongmin. Sir! Do you know what you're doing? The model should sit still. Sit still while I work.

Hang on. (Nothing holds Jongmin back.) What kind of look are you going for? (Jongmin draws without hesitation.) Are you kidding me with this? Look at me. Look at what he did to me. - Are you done? / - Not yet.

Don't tell me you're making this up as you go. (Defconn gives into Jongmin's hands.) You're drawing on my face as if there's no tomorrow. (Jongmin lets his imagination run wild.) Just remember that you're next. (Proud) You look great.

I kind of look like the Cabbage Guru. "Children." "A long, long time ago." - That was great. / - I'm the Cabbage Guru. You don't have much facial hair but this look requires - a lot of it.

/ - I see. It'll go way better with the clothes I designed. (The beard makes him look sly though.) I need more. - I'll make you look good.

/ - Are you kidding me? (The facial features do make a difference.) I'm done. That's all you need. All right. Now it's my turn.

Hang on. (Adorable red lips) Wait. (Siyoon makes sure that he still looks handsome.) Please close your eyes. (He adds bags under the eyes.) Joonyoung, you look adorable.

Look at yourself. - Am I done? / - Yes. How do you make someone look like that? Gold was applied on the eyebrows. - Look at the others.

/ - My gosh. This won't be so bad. Only if you do it right. (He sizes Taehyun up.) Okay, I've decided on a look.

(His brush strokes are like that of an expert.) I'm defining your jaw. There you go. (He defines the jaw with contouring makeup.) (Taehyun's satisfied.) You look fine. (Never has Junho been this focused.) (He seems to know what he's doing.) (22 Years as a comedian is paying off.) Look.

(Why is he so serious?) (Joonyoung lurks.) He looks scary. (Please don't be alarmed.) You can close your eyes whenever you're ashamed. All right? You need to be pretty. Your outfit is very colorful and your makeup needs to match that.

I'm going to transform you into a living work of art. - Are you sure about this color? / - Yes. (It's a bold color.) (The tables have turned.) You're looking great so far. (Defconn can't help but laugh.) (You've got to be kidding me.) I can't believe it.

- He looks great. / - If done right, it'll look great. - No way. / - Trust me, and you'll be glamorous.

You won't believe how beautiful you look. (What outfits did they design for each other?) - Hang on. / - You don't have much time left. - It's almost time.

/ - We're good. Gosh. (The final touch is the hair.) Siyoon, you look like a foreigner. I could play a French during the French Revolution.

I like your attention to detail. (Taehyun makes final touches to Junho's face.) (What on earth is this?) Look. (You really look beautiful.) I look like a cartoon character. So that's what's prepared.

- What's that? / - No way. (Visually shocking) Can you look any scarier? Are you kidding me with this? Don't just leave it like this. At least tie it in a ponytail. No, it should be left hanging down.

I think we should skip today's lunch game. I've lost my appetite. No one can beat Defconn. (Hair and makeup are done.) - No way.

/ - I think I'm all done. There's not more you can do. This doesn't look so bad. "Luxurious" is the word I'd use.

(Junho's devastated.) Taehyun, how could you? This is a fashion show for human beings. Is this it? Yes, so strip already. Go ahead. No way! (Defconn's devastated too.) It'll at least be warm.

I'll probably sweat all day. This is for you. I'll freeze to death. - I'll wear it on top.

/ - Don't be absurd. The show will start in ten minutes. (The runway is being set up.) (In what form) (will) (they take the runway?) (Whatever you imagine,) (they'll exceed your expectations.) (It'll be a show that you've never seen before.) (This is the one and only) (Two Days and One Night New Year Fashion Show.) (It begins now.) Now, let's begin the first New Year Fashion Show. We all agreed that Mr.

Grand Award will go first no matter what we do for the time being. So Jongmin will walk the runway first. - Jongmin. / - Yes? I'm sure - It's so cold.

/ - Jongmin will hold an event for his fans in Akihabara after this. You will see why. Ayanami! - Take off the robe. / - Take off the robe.

(What's the design that will make the fans go crazy?) (He is taking off the robe.) (Satisfied) What is that? Our viewers will have an upset stomach watching this. What's that? I don't even know what it is but it's funny already. (The mysterious outfit makes them burst into laughter.) What is that? Is it a dog? - I don't know what it is. / - Is it a dog? Come on out.

As soon as the music starts, you should walk down the runway through the wall in front of you. - To the music. / - The first model is Kim Jongmin. - Come on out with the music.

/ - Music, please. (The fashion show begins.) (He starts doing a funny dance to a ridiculous song.) - Now? / - Come on out. (What kind of monster is waiting behind the wall?) Ayanami. (That can't be true.) - Evangelion.

/ - He looks like a robot. He should walk like a robot. You are walking on the red carpet. (Defconn's New Year Outfit expresses a silly robot.) Act like a robot.

He didn't watch the animation. Rei doesn't walk like that in the animation. (The fans of the original character are very upset.) Look at that. He is so out of shape.

Stop it. He used to be in killer shape. He looks sick. Is he a member of I.O.I or what? (He does look sick.) (But at this moment, the designer himself is happy.) - You look pretty.

/ - He's enjoying it. He's become the character of the animation. He's enjoying it. (His silliness...) You look like Rei.

(Impresses everyone.) What's he doing? (Silly Rei finishes his walking on the runway.) It's too cold. I'm so cold. The second model is Defconn. I don't know what he is.

It's my work. Please strike a pose. (Come on!) Take off the robe. - You should take off the robe.

/ - Take it off. (Shocked) He'd look so good in the costume. (The customer's demands were completely ignored.) - He looks good. / - He looks so good in the costume.

It's been a long time since I saw this character. - It's an old character. / - We should call his name. - Okay.

Please call his name. / - We will do that. - I think there was a theme song for it. / - I know.

Defconn. Music, please. - Is this the song? / - Help. Help.

- Bigfoot. / - Bigfoot. - Bigfoot. / - Bigfoot.

(What kind of monster is this?) Bigfoot. (New Year Outfit is supposed to be a new suit.) (Where is my hunting rifle?) Don't come. Bigfoot. (He is looking for his mate.) Bigfoot! (He looks like a male beast.) (Bigfoot) He's scary.

He's scary. (A male bear in heat is very dangerous.) Look at him. Is the character insane? - Bigfoot. / - He's just lonely.

- Rei! / - Roll your body. That's funny. (He's not so wild anymore.) Bigfoot. I'm Bigfoot.

They are fighting. Rei and Bigfoot are fighting. (The machine and wild beast can't become one.) I bet Bigfoot is not cold. It's hot.

Take a pose. (It's Joonyoung's turn.) He looks cool. Take off your robe. (What kind of character is he playing?) I'm so cute.

- He looks good. / - He looks fashionable. The back is key to this costume. It's a good design.

It is a perfect costume for the Year of the Rooster. What is that? Music, please. What is it? (With a lovely song, a lovely chicken appears.) - I look cute, right? / - He's a good designer. He looks cute.

It's not fair. (He is so cute that they can't fry him.)  Oh, love  (The costume looks hilarious with combs and feathers.)  I love you  (Jongmin's heart starts pounding again.) Bigfoot. (Siyoon's outfit wishes for a pleasant new year.) Don't I look cute? - He looks good. / - He looks so cute.

It's the Year of the Fire Rooster. (He wants to approach the viewers with fresh eggs.) Bigfoot. (The chicken shares healthy snacks.) Bigfoot. It's very expensive these days.

It's expensive. (He finishes his walk by laying eggs.) I am Bigfoot. - I love my costume. / - It looks good.

Joonyoung, you look lovely. - You two look so good. / - That's not fair. - You can't do that.

/ - I love it. He did a good job with it. I love your shoes. He made them with house shoes.

They look good. (The vivid colors make Siyoon's costume vibrant.) You look cool. Strike a pose. (The cape looks somewhat extraordinary.) - Wow.

/ - That's mine. He looks cool. Did you two decide to make each other look cool? Really? (Here it comes.) The fourth model is Yoon Siyoon. - Music, please.

/ - That's Hollywood. (Epic music resonates through the air.) - Ladies and gentlemen. / - It looks cool. (A man is waiting his turn.) (Thor appears.) - Is he Thor? / - He looks so cool.

(Shocked) - It's amazing. / - It's nice. He's Thor. (Oh, my gosh.) - That's lightning.

/ - It's a mesh shirt. Is it a mesh shirt? Hang on. Are you wearing a mesh shirt? Bigfoot. He's wearing a mesh shirt.

(He keeps making thunder and lightning.) I got shocked. (He is getting tired of it.) He'll look cool with added computer graphics. (He is Thor.) That's all he can do. Look at the hammer.

You should do that. You should spin the hammer like this. Spin the hammer. (Like this?) Throw the hammer here.

He doesn't know what to do. (He throws the hammer at the three monsters.) - Are they rice bowls? / - Yes, they are rice bowls. - That's cool. / - You look amazing.

Thank you. - You look great. / - Are these rice bowls? I made it with rice bowls. - That's nice.

/ - We did a good job. - That was nice. / - Take it off. You look cool too.

The fifth model is Cha Taehyun. Are you ready? Strike a pose. It is designed by Charlie Kim. - Charlie.

/ - Designed by Charlie Kim. I'm so excited. It is called "Movie Star". "Movie Star".

Music, please. - That's "Goblin". / - It's dreamlike. He's Goblin Cha.

(He tries to make the most out of the drama, "Goblin".) (You will see the world only when you close your eyes.) (He looks so beautiful that he even looks sad.) He's Goblin Cha. (When I close my eyes...) - He looks so cool. / - Are they his eyes? His eyes are too big. (I see those eyes.) (He indulged in beauty...) Watch out.

Be careful, Goblin. (And lost his eyesight.) Watch your step. (He can see only when his eyes are closed.) Can he see? (Only the goblin's stylishness can erase his makeup.) Open it up. The inner jacket is blue velvet.

It's so pretty. (It's the velvet of the blue sea and...) (Screaming) What's that? (It's the cursed Taehyun's hidden look.) It looks good on him. Don't cover the back. Show us your back.

Turn around. What is that? He looks so cold. (It's like a terror attack to your eyes.) Isn't that Gong Yoo's style? Taehyun, try this. - What? / - Do this.

(The designer is ecstatic.) He's happy. (The designer is ecstatic.) (He poses gracefully for the finale.) Gosh, he looks cold. (Taehyun's runway is over.) Please show us. (Charlie Kim is still excited.) - It's half and half fashion.

/ - Gosh. - It's more shocking than I thought. / - It looks cold. Nobody can top this.

(It's an avant-garde New Year Outfit.) He could freeze to death. The designer was dancing in satisfaction. I see. Park Jinyoung would want that outfit.

What kind of animal is that? Is it an animal? It's a new character. I made it as a runner-up "Gag Concert" character. (The shadow doesn't look ordinary.) It looks like it could fly. It looks like it'll fly away.

I guess it's hard to take it off. Is he laying an egg? No, it has a point. I'll explain it to you later. The last model is Kim Junho.

Music, start! (Even the music sounds extraordinary.) Sweet taste! Sour taste! (Who ate my carrot?) (A hybrid living organism finally reveals itself.) (It's half-hare and half-chicken.) - He's cool. / - That's high quality. - He's cute. / - You should fly.

- Fly. / - Fly here. (Taehyun combined chicken and hare.) (Flapping) That's nice. His feathers are everywhere.

You have too many loose feathers. What's that? (He gives himself a pat.) What's that? There's a hand. It's "hare meets chicken". It's called a "chicken hare".

That's a chicken hare. - A chicken hare. / - A chicken hare. - Is that hand for self-petting? / - Yes.

(It's a monster created by human greed.) That's funny. Isn't that Soochan's idea? I think Soochan came up with the idea. Chicken hare. Come here.

Let's pet him. - Pet him. / - Let's pet him. Let's pet him.

- Pet him. / - Finale! Play "Sexy Back". Play "Sexy Back" one more time. (It's an encore performance.) He's back.

(He takes off his jacket.) Chicken hare. (He's super sexy.) Chicken hare. (Jongmin can't stand them anymore.) (He throws a snowball to stop them.) (It's more of a cosplay than a fashion show.) Chicken hare. (New Year Fashion Show is now over.) Do you like your New Year Outfits? - Gosh.

/ - Are these New Year Outfits? On the New Year's... They'll stab me with a bamboo spear in the countryside. They'll stab me with a bamboo spear. They will.

No, they'll shoot you with air rifle. What's that? (He should worry about himself.) - Seriously. / - It's just a start. - Do you have kids' drawings? / - Yes.

I want to compare it to the drawing. - Do you get to take this home? / - Do we? (Check out their designer challenge.) I'll choose Rei-chan. (He's looking up Rei-chan.) It's for Jongmin. (He made a choice in a minute.) (Jongmin's 2017 Outfit) (The costume was made by Lim Ji Yeon.) There's a character that's perfect for Defconn.

It's a yeti. It's covered with fur. (He finishes drawing in one minute.) It has fur all over. (The costume was made by Nam Hwa Young.) I'll mix hanbok with chicken.

(It's a mix of hanbok and chicken.) (The costume was made by Nam Hwa Young.) I want him to look like Thor. (He's drawing Thor.) (The costume was made by Lim Ji Yeon.) Poor Cha Taehyun for being my partner. Poor Taehyun. You love being naked.

He should show some skin. Does it look sexy? - Yes. / - It's sexy. (It's Goblin Cha with a sexy back.) Junho was born in 1975, the Year of the Hare.

I'll combine the hare with the chicken. A Chicken hare. (It's a chicken hare made for Junho.) (The costume was made by Jang Seong Woo.) - You can pet it. / - I see.

- There's a hand to pet it. / - That's very detailed. - These outfits have meanings. / - Yes.

(Gosh, he looks scary.) These outfits have meanings. Anyway, you like your outfits, - right? / - Yes. - Then... / - Will we wear these? You will wear your outfits all day - today.

/ - What? - It's too cold. / - It'll be cold. - Wait. / - It's too cold.

- I'm wearing mesh. / - Me too. (Gosh!) - Please be careful. / - Sorry.

- You almost hit me. / - Sorry. I'm hungry. I want to know the theme of our trip.

Today's trip is a New Year's special. You'll travel in your New Year Outfits. It's New Year Greeting Special. - What? / - Greeting? - What does that mean? / - What? - You have to bow a lot.

/ - The New Year's bow. - A lot. / - A lot. Your mission is to do the New Year's bow to three elders.

- Elders? / - Elders? - Who? / - There are many elders. Like this? As Bigfoot? - We have to bow? / - It's better to go together. That'd be less embarrassing. I think it'll be less embarrassing that way.

(Do you really think so?) Aren't there too many elders? Who are they? You'll decide the elders by doing a spinning game. - After you bow you'll receive money. / - Yes. With that money, you can buy lunch.

- Really? / - Nice. If they want to give us a lot, can we take it? - Can we? / - You can't take our money. You can't stop them from giving money to us. Should we go to Lee Soonjae? Do you think he'll give us 50 dollars? He'll give us more.

They'll probably give us more than that at our age. - Of course. / - Yes. What about Kang Buja? (Even her name sounds like she's rich.) - Nice.

/ - How about Choi Boolam? He would give us greens. A lot of green bills. - Lim Haryong would give us a lot. / - Really? - I think Songhae would be nice.

/ - I agree. - Songhae. / - Nice. Please bring out the wheel.

Bring it out. I think there are a few. Can you give me socks? (Taehyun goes to get a dry pair of socks.) Maybe they have Bill Gates. Really? Elders...

(It's the New Year's Wheel.) All right. "Celebrities related to chicken". (There are five options.) "Celebrity who'd spend the New Year's alone". A real elder is here.

A real elder is here. Choi Boolam is here. (Choi Boolam?) Choi Boolam is here. Wait.

There he goes. - That's Choi Boolam. / - There he is. - That's Choi Boolam.

/ - We should say hi. - Sir! / - Sir! - Hello! / - Hello, sir! - Hello. / - Sir, we're filming Two Days and One Night. Sir, we're Two Days and One Night.

Come and receive our New Year's bows. - Receive our New Year's bows. / - Please. We're in such ridiculous outfits.

Hello, sir. - Aren't you Takgu? / - Yes, sir. He was on "King of Baking, Kim Takgu". Hello, sir.

I'm Defconn. - What? A phone? / - Well... (Defconn's name sounds like a phone.) - Defconn. / - A phone.

- You're Jongmin. / - Yes, sir. Congratulations. I read it on the paper.

Thank you, sir. - You got the grand prize. / - Yes, sir. (You are the grand prize winner.) - Let me give you a hug.

/ - Thank you, sir. (Let me hug you, Jongmin.) You're all working so hard in the cold. Gosh, who is this? I'm Junho, sir. (He feels emotional.) - Why are you dressed as a rabbit? / - Well...

(It's all because of Taehyun.) You're going through so much. How are you spending your New Year's holiday? - I'm here to do this. / - Really? - "Korean Food Table". / - I see.

(He's here to record "Korean Food Table".) My mom is a huge fan of the show. - Today's dish is... / - Yes. It's tasty soybean paste dish.

(We can buy that for lunch with the money we receive.) I can't eat it. - Are your parents well? / - Yes, sir. Sir, can we do a New Year's bow? How can you bow here? We want to... Let's just do a head bow.

No, sir... So that I can... Sir, could you... Could you please help us for a bit? - Thank you, sir.

/ - Thank you. Thank you so much. I feel like I'm disturbing you. - No, sir.

/ - Thank you. - This is amazing. / - He was just passing by. (It's their first unexpected New Year's bow.) Sir.

I need to make a call. (They hurriedly prepare for the unexpected bow.) (He's calling "Korean Food Table" crew.) He even knows our names. I'm with Two Days and One Night. They'll do New Year's bow.

- All right. / - We were talking about elders... We're filming New Year Greeting Special today. - So we have to bow to the elders.

/ - Really? It's perfect timing. - I'll be receiving the bow. / - Yes. - This is awesome.

/ - Two minutes ago, we were talking about you. - We were just talking about you. / - We talked about visiting you just now. It's such a blessing.

May we bow to you for the New Year? You will, won't you? - Yes. / - Yes, sir. Please sit on this cushion. Let's set it up.

- Should I sit? / - Yes. We'll make it official. We're wearing special outfits for a fashion show. These outfits are so embarrassing.

My outfit called "Sexy Back". - My goodness. / - It's called "Sexy Back". (Taehyun shows off his New Year Outfit.) My goodness.

You must be very cold. We'll bow once you take your seat. All of you are strong people who fight against strong wind. Thank you.

- Taehyun is almost naked. / - Right. How shall I sit? - We'll make it more formal. / - I have no choice.

(He puts back on his front teeth.) I have to put my teeth on. He has to put his teeth on. (It's a diverse collection of New Year Outfits.) My goodness. - Happy New Year.

/ - Happy New Year. (They make a bow.) - Please stay healthy. / - Please take care. (Unlike the rest,) - Please stay healthy.

/ - Please take care. (The chicken hare struggles.) (Struggling) Why isn't he bowing all the way? It's okay. (Choi Boolam bows back.) (It's time for Boolam's remarks.) I hope all of your dreams come true this year. - Work hard.

/ - Okay, sir. Like I said, I'm moved to see you work so hard in the cold. It's all right, sir. You must resist the cold on this show.

- You're right. / - Right. Life can't be without suffering. You're right.

I'm very moved. Come onto the carpet. - No, it's okay. / - It's okay, sir.

- It's okay, sir. / - We'll get closer to you. (Please give us money for the bow.) - Sir. / - Sir.

Your hands are warm. (That's not what we want to hear.) That's not what we mean. I'll bow again. (He gives a low bow.) Are you asking for money? (He bursts out laughing.) (You're the best.) I'll give you money.

(He's excited to hear about money.) Please don't do this. (Junho adjusts his teeth again.) My goodness. Get some coffee with this. I should give you 100 dollars.

No, that's too much. (That's too much, sir.) - No, it's okay. / - Gosh. (Bigfoot takes the money quickly.) (They get a large sum unexpectedly.) It's okay.

- You gave us too much. / - It's too much. - How about... / - Get a cup of coffee each.

Coffee is very expensive these days. (He wants to give more.) Junho? Who's the eldest here? - It's Junho. / - Isn't it? Yes. You should take it.

(He takes it quickly.) Share it with your colleagues. (Thank you, sir.) - We received too much. / - It's too much. - Just get enough for coffee.

/ - It's okay. - Just take it. / - Ten dollars is enough. - Let me explain.

/ - We only need Ten dollars. It's difficult to eat on the show. If you give us this much, we can eat a lot all day. Here you go.

(He takes the 50-dollar bill.) (Chicken hare knows how valuable money is.) What's wrong? (He's determined to stop them.) You shouldn't get so much from the start. - From the start? / - Come on, we're adults. - We aren't children. / - Here, take it.

Here's 60 dollars, which is 10 per person. - For six of us? / - You're great. Thank you, Sir. - Choi Boolam! / - Choi Boolam! - Choi Boolam! / - Choi Boolam! - Choi Boolam! / - Choi Boolam! Everyone, make the sound simultaneously.

In three, two, one. (They make a laughing sound.) (He laughs.) (It's a cute talent show.) Take care of yourselves. - Thank you, sir. / - Thank you.

On our show not so long ago, the members mimicked your voice. Really? I haven't seen it. (We're glad he didn't see it.) (Each expression is different.) I made the sound because I had a cold. (The laughing sound) That's the sound.

That's it. - Try it again. / - This is exactly it. Make that sound.

- It's this sound. / - Come on. - That's wrong. / - Why? When we filmed "Country Diaries", the mother lived in the next room alone.

During a conversation with my wife, when something was funny, we laughed. We didn't want to be loud in case my mom feels lonely. That's why we covered our mouth. (They laughed with hands over the mouth.) - This is how we laughed.

/ - Really? - It's how it started. / - It's quite meaningful. We covered our mouth to be polite - I see. / - As my mom felt too lonely.

We should cover our mouth too. (They cover their mouth.) (It's embarrassing.) Overcome the difficulties and share the determination with the viewers. - Yes, sir. / - Yes, sir.

Keep up the good work. - Thank you. / - Take care. - Please take care.

/ - Thank you. - Take care. / - Goodbye. - Congratulations, Jongmin.

/ - Thank you. - Take care. / - It's important to live honestly. They gave the award to the right person.

Thank you. He deserved the award. People who win the award for being smart don't. (Excuse me, sir?) A person who's honest deserves it.

- He's not too smart. / - I'm still smart. You're not a fool - but he's still very modest. / - Thank you.

(He's too modest to be smart.) Take a photo with Mr. Choi. Let's take a photo. Please say "Two Days", sir.

- "Two Days"? / - Say it just once. Two Days. - And One Night! / - And One Night! - Take care. / - Thank you.

Happy New Year. Let's make the laughing sound in the count of three. - Let's do it together. / - Okay.

In one, two, three. (They make the laughing sound.) - Thank you, sir. / - Thank you. Take care, Sir.

Please come to the show next time. What did you say? We'd like to invite you to the show. - Okay, see you again. / - Thank you.

Thank you. (That was Choi Boolam on Two Days and One Night.) Gosh, it's so cold. I was startled when he suddenly called my name. I was very startled.

- Was it Boolam? / - How did he recognize me? (He recognized him despite the outfit.) - I was wearing these socks too. / - That's funny. Should we play the game? - Yes. / - That's right.

There it is. - We already cleared the mission. / - What's this? - We already did. / - What's this? Let's eat lunch.

Let's eat lunch at the cafeteria. Let's drink coffee. I want something warm. - "The Best Grand Award winner"? / - What? There's Lee Gyeonggyu.

- There's Kang Hodong. / - I'm right here. - I'm right here. / - Here he is.

I also have money. Who's "A Man We Know"? - Joohyuk? / - There's Joohyuk. - There's Joohyuk. / - Write his name down.

"An elderly who looks for you on New Year". Aren't they our parents? You haven't wished them Happy New Year? - It's Heunggook. / - Heunggook? Why didn't you wish me Happy New Year? It's Heunggook. - I don't know you.

/ - That's right. - It's the catch phrase. / - Shall we visit Jaewook? (Hello, viewers.) Shouldn't we visit Jaewook? Can we find all of them? Once the wheel is turned, you must decide whom you will visit. Here I go.

Won't it be Joohyuk? Hey, that's my foot. - He's testing if it sticks. / - I was only checking. (He throws a dart.) (He screams in pain.) - It sticks well.

/ - That was scary. It sticks well. That was my foot. Stop it.

(Who's the first to receive New Year Greeting?) It's not green. "A celebrity who will spend New Year alone". - "A celebrity who will spend New Year alone". / - Who? - Who could it be? / - That's easy.

(They call him immediately.) Hello, Defconn. - Hello, what are you doing? / - Yes. I'm at home. (The one who's at home is...) (No other than Joohyuk.) - Tell him to stay there.

/ - We got it. For now, stay at home. - I have to go out. / - You do? - Where are you going? / - Stay at home.

- I'll call you later. / - I'm going out. Where are you going? I have an interview for a movie. Where are you? We'll come see you.

Are you shooting a show? We're shooting but we want to say hello. All we have to do is wish you Happy New Year. - For New Year? / - Yes. We'll come to your salon.

- To my salon? Where are you? / - Yes. Where are you right now? - We're now at... / - We're in Apgujeong. - We're at KBS.

/ - We're at KBS in Apgujeong. KBS in Apgujeong? (KBS in Apgujeong?) We can be there in ten minutes. I'll be at the salon at 11 a.M. - We'll be there by 11 a.M.

/ - Okay, Joohyuk. - We'll be at the salon. / - We got it. We'll go to the salon by 11 a.M.

(They found someone.) Yes! Tell him to bring money. Tell him. - Of course, he has money. / - He'll have money.

(Is that why you want to meet me?) (See you soon, Joohyuk.) Goodness. (New Year Outfit New Year Greeting Tour) Hello. (Children love their outfit.) (The members stop by a cafe.) - Green tea latte, please. / - Green tea latte? (It's the money Boolam gave.) Thank you, Mr.

Choi. Can we order a muffin? No, we can't. (Chicken hare is disappointed.) (Their drinks are served.) Thank you, Mr. Choi.

Thank you for the drink. - Thank you. / - Thank you. - Remember.

/ - Remember. - Forever. / - Forever. (They finish a fashion show early in the morning.) (They take a break while having a warm drink.) Since today is New Year Greeting Special, Please allow us to eat as much as we get.

- Right. / - So the viewers may feel warm. - It must be bountiful. / - Yes, a bountiful...

- Then are we eating tteokguk? / - Are we? - Yes, manduguk or tteokmanduguk. / - Sounds good! (They happily depart to make their New Year's bows.) - Hey, how will Junho get in? / - How? You're going to have to cram yourself in at the back. Shall we make you a chicken coup? Oh no, the ears. (It's too high for clearance.) Oh no, the ears.

(For now, he crumples himself in.) My gosh. I didn't know I would go somewhere like this. Hold on. Let go.

I have to put in my feet. - Let go so I can tuck in my feet. / - Look at that. His feet are stuck.

The feet are too big. (Chuckling) - What should we do? / - My gosh. (The designer shrinks away.) Ouch, I'm getting a cramp. - I'm getting a cramp.

/ - You could've gone left. That would be the same. (Taehyun laughs hysterically.) (He's elated over his own design.) Are you inside? (Today might be a rough day.) Gosh, it's uncomfortable. - Gosh.

/ - It's way too uncomfortable. It's hot. Someone, please get my seatbelt. Hey, designer.

It's all your responsibility. This is just hilarious. The belt isn't wrapping all the way. This is just ridiculous.

Okay. The ears are fine. Just roll them down. The hospital told me not to starve.

(He's not riding the car but cramping it.) Aren't the ears folding too much? There's nothing we can do about it. - Let's go! / - Let's go. Go, go, go! (Rare and fantastic beasts...) (Depart for their New Year greeting.) (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them) - Junho. / - Why wake him? Water works just fine.

(A splash of water would suffice instead.) - Water would erase the makeup. / - Junho. I woke up too early today. It's hot inside.

Fur keeps getting into my mouth. (Chuckling) (He has to twist his neck to snooze.) If Joohyuk sees us like this later... He'd get alarmed. No, he'd be quite elated.

(Bingo) He'd be much relieved not to be part of it. Gosh, it's such a relief. Yes, it reminds me of old memories. Let's eat good food with our New Year's allowance.

Let's do that. (KBS Station to Cheongdam-dong) Everyone, we've arrived at Gangnam. Hey, it's time to get up. Rise and shine.

- Let's get to work. / - Ouch, my neck. - Our poor chicken. / - Gosh, my neck.

(Getting off the car isn't easy either.) - Gosh. / - Goodness, my neck. Getting here was almost embarrassing. Do you know where to go? (The New Year's fantastic beasts are on their way.) (Where is Joohyuk?) Where is Joohyuk? (They've arrived to meet their eldest.) - Hello, there.

/ - What's going on? - We're here. / - We came. What's going on? Is this some kind of new concept? My gosh. - Where are you going? / - What on earth are you doing? - Happy New Year.

/ - Happy New Year. I read your recent interviews. I read that you're free enough to watch our episodes every weekend. This how we're filling your absence.

- He's Thor. / - And he's Rei - from "Evangelion". / - Do you know who I am? I don't know. - Look at him.

/ - You look great. (That's my style.) I designed it for him. - What kind of concept are you going for? / - We... We designed each other's New Year's Outfits.

So are you dressed up for the Lunar New Year? - I'm a chicken hare. / - What? - My dad's a hare and my mom's a chicken. / - I see. - Let me pat you.

/ - He is a half-bred. I see. - Today should be okay, right? / - Get over here. I told you.

This becomes visible. We spun a wheel and had to visit a celebrity who might spend Lunar New Year alone. - Right. / - You actually spend it alone.

- That's right. / - No, he has a girlfriend now. Let's all stay calm. That's right.

You're not alone anymore. Yes, but... (Congratulations to Joohyuk for his relationship.) You'll have to come with us on a trip. No, don't do that to me.

- He got nervous there. / - I was taken aback. As soon as I saw your name... - You thought you shouldn't pick up, right? / - Yes! But he picked it up.

I almost didn't pick up. - I knew it was fishy. / - He didn't want to pick up. It's Friday today.

It was fishy. Don't you have to promote "Confidential Assignment"? Yes, but I've been promoting Two Days and One Night a lot. So why did you talk about this show for the interviews? - Join us. / - Even the headlines are about our show.

That's right. The male leads are Hyunbin and Joohyuk. - And Haejin. / - Is that so? With Haejin, that makes everybody.

Everyone is from Two Days and One Night. It's Lunar New Year, so accept our greetings. We have to make our New Year bows. - Please sit.

/ - Sit down. - We have a cushion. / - It's time to bow. Let's set up first.

We have a gift for you too. - Really? / - Yes. You all look horrible. You all look horrible.

If you were still with us on Two Days and One Night, you'd be wearing Jongmin's outfit. (He would've been Rei from "Evangelion".) - This was originally yours. / - Which is best? You would've shared our fate. - Which one would you wear? / - That one.

- Which one? / - Yes, but the back. Check it out. (That pinpoints his style.) Anyway, thank you for being alive for so long. - Be well, Joohyuk.

/ - Live a lot. - You mean, "Live a long life?" / - We'll be devoted. We hope to see you soon next year. - In the coming year.

/ - That's too soon. - Is that too fast? / - They're driving me nuts. Joohyuk, Happy New Year. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year. The other hand goes on top. Sorry. My outfit doesn't let me go down all the way.

I'm sorry. My outfit is in the way. - Right foot up first. / - Happy New Year.

- Then the left. / - Please be well and healthy. He can't get back up. He can't get back up.

(Help me up.) Come on, gosh. Watch out. It might rip. (Struggling hard) All right, you got it.

Be careful not to ruin the outfit. My apologies. For the new year, please don't call on Fridays. You are all doing a great job for the show.

It's snowing a lot, so shooting must be tough. Do your best without any accidents. Here's a symbol of our hearts. - Our little hearts have come together.

/ - Please. - What are we asking for? / - A little love. "His wallet is opening up." Is that it? Are you using allowance you receive for the day? Are you using allowance you receive for the day? - Gosh. / - How did you know? - Of course, he'd know.

/ - As expected. - He's smart. / - So you need allowance. I have money.

- Hold on. / - Don't discuss the amount. - Don't mention the amount. / - We'll base it on luck.

Gosh. You made that up so suddenly. The envelopes include the money you received - from Mr. Choi earlier.

/ - Mr. Choi Boolam? The amount is different for each. Please choose one. - What's the highest amount? / - Probably 50 dollars.

Excluding Mr. Choi Boolam's contributions, it's from 1 to 50 dollars. You have to choose wisely. - We need New Year's fortunes.

/ - Let's cooperate. I have a good feeling about this. - That seems good. / - Think it through one more time.

- I have a good feeling. / - Think about it once more. - One more time? / - Is there anything better? Joonyoung said he has a good feeling. - That's good enough.

/ - He said it's good. Here it goes. (How much is inside?) It's not bad. - It's probably 10 dollars.

/ - It must be 10. - I say five dollars. / - Joonyoung. Check it out.

- Thank you. / - You trust Joonyoung, right? - It's been awhile. / - He's joining us this year. How much is it? Not bad? Taehyun, check it out with your big eyes.

Check it with your goblin eyes. - Check with your eyes. / - Do you see it? Do you see the amount? (Despite his large eyes, he can't see.) Maybe his eyes are too big to see properly. - Maybe they're too big.

/ - I can't see. Are there coins? - Is it empty? / - We need to pick again. Pick another one. Joonyoung.

- You chose it. / - Your leave has dulled your senses. (It's one dollar.) - His senses have dulled. / - It's Joonyoung's first day.

/ - Let's check the others. - Sure. / - Aren't they all just a dollar? I want this one. - Gosh.

/ - It's the first pick. - He should've thought it over. / - A dollar is too... - Gosh.

/ - The center was the best pick. I knew it. The center had the best vibe. Even elementary schoolers don't get just a dollar.

Who only gets a dollar? This one's the lowest. The first pick was the lowest. It's proven. I don't belong here.

It's proven. I don't belong here. - We came for no reason. / - What a shame.

We came for no reason. (Joohyuk remains the same.) I was looking forward to this. You choose horribly, Joohyuk. I'm not exactly sure what happened here.

- Just come with us. / - What are you talking about? - We came all the way here for one dollar? / - I know. We don't even have enough for gas. - We have a present to give him.

/ - That's right. - We have a present for you. / - What is it? - We have a present. / - You have to do this first.

- Oh, no. / - Just try it. (Present choices) - What do you want the most? / - Me? - I want the dried persimmons. / - The persimmons? - That's a good choice.

/ - It is. - All right, persimmons. / - They're tasty. (The roulette wheel starts to spin.) - Go for it.

/ - Go. (How lucky is he going to be?) (I want dried persimmons.) - Go for it. / - Go. (Awestruck) (The result is...) (He's getting none.) (My goodness.) He's amazing.

My gosh. (You're the best.) - You're amazing. / - How could this happen? Seriously, you're amazing. How could you lose this draw? You belong here.

Among all the great presents... (Joohyuk belongs to Two Days and One Night.) (We'll always welcome you.) It's even right in the middle. It's in the center. There's no doubt.

- I can't believe this. / - He picked it himself. How is this possible? He's getting nothing when there are plenty of gifts. He didn't even spin it hard.

Still, he picked the losing draw. He's indeed the oldest member. I don't know what to say. - Come back.

/ - I don't belong here. I wish we could start over like nothing happened. - Can we? / - We should give him another chance. I wish we could.

Could we shoot again starting from the first floor? It wasn't like this with Mr. Choi Boolam. - We didn't expect it from coming. / - Just give him.

- So this is the original plan. / - Yes, it is. We didn't expect to meet Mr. Choi like that.

He got us a dollar and didn't get any gifts. He's the unluckiest man. - He's very unlucky. / - Right.

- Right. / - That could be his nickname this year. If you want, you can be the most unfortunate man. - That's good, too.

/ - That's the same thing. The unluckiest man. - My gosh. / - Let's just call him that way.

Isn't it good to have a losing draw in variety shows? - Well... / - It is a good thing. Now, we should move on and visit the next person. You can draw yourselves or ask him to...

- We'll do it. / - Okay. - We shouldn't let him draw. / - Let me do it.

- I'll do it. / - Come on. We will take care of it. - Let's give him one more chance.

/ - No way. - Come on. / - Let me do it. - We won't lose the draw this time.

/ - That's right. - What's the hardest task? / - This one. This one is the hardest. "A man who might be upset for not coming to greet him".

- We could visit Heunggook. / - It's Heunggook. Put it on the floor. - Let's go / - Go ahead.

(He again proves himself lucky.) - My goodness. / - Come on. You pick only the worst ones. (Who is going to be the next person?) Here we go.

(A man who might be upset for not coming to greet him) "A man who might be upset for not coming to greet him". Let's go see Heunggook. - It'll be fun at least. / - Are you serious? Don't you want to come with us? Don't you want to go on a trip? To be honest, I'm half and half.

I sometimes want to go as I watch the program, but no. Where are you going? We need to hurry. - Are you going to poop? / - No. I'm going to draw some whiskers.

What is he doing? He wants to draw whiskers. My goodness. Could you draw some whiskers on my face? Do it for him. It's erased.

(He wants his costume to be perfect.) - Let me see. / - Do you like it? (He got his whiskers back thanks to the expert.) Thank you. - Hello. / - Hello.

Make him look prettier. Do something about his hair. He's pretty, isn't he? - Stop that nonsense. / - It looks good on him.

(She combs his wig and fixes it with hair spray.) It's much better now. This is why we should go to hair salons. This is why. (Satisfied) Now you look like Mr.

Grand Award. I look much better now. I saw you climbed to the top of the mountain. - It was really tough.

/ - How long did it take? Just climbing up took about four hours. That means the whole trip was longer than that. It must've been almost six to seven hours. (Go for it, Joonyoung.) I'm going to watch the show this weekend.

The episode where you play the game in the water. (He never misses watching the episodes.) I've never missed a single episode since I left. I watched all of them. (He watched all the episodes.) It's funnier without me.

I feel like you're always with us. (He always cares for the show.) Hey, check out his hair. (Surprised) The hairdresser helped him. Look how nice he looks.

- I'm satisfied now. / - He looks much better. This is amazing. My hair was a mess earlier.

- I really like it now. / - My goodness. Did you get that makeup done at - a hair salon in Gangnam? / - The whiskers are back. Yes, at a hair salon in Gangnam.

You look nicer. He looks like an aunt, doesn't he? An aunt? He looks like an aunt you meet on a holiday. - An aunt. / - An aunt.

My goodness. Could we go on a trip together at least once? Okay, I'll visit you just to have fun with you. (We always welcome you here.) - Promise us. / - All right.

- It's a promise. / - Okay. Let us prepare your costume then. (What are you talking about?) Take care.

- Two Days. / - And One Night. (We will remember our member, Joo Hyuk, forever.).

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