15 Fashion Trends That Offended The World

We often try to look our best when we
walk out the front door but its hard to keep up with every trend. But what are some fashions that we all ended
up hating? And when did the designers go to far? Heres fifteen fashion trends that offended
the world. 15  Low Slung Jeans
A lot of the time, fashion ends up just doing the opposite of what was popular before. While the late 90s saw a return of flared
pants; tight at the thigh and loose at the ankle, this decade has reversed that.

Popularised by Justin Bieber, among others,
many people wore skinny jeans that are tight on the calf but with a low, baggy crotch. It looks a bit like youve shit yourself
in leggings. 14  Lip implants
Around 1900, surgeons were already trying to give lips a boost by injecting them with
paraffin but it never really worked; probably a good thing as a hot meal could set your
face on fire. In the 60s it was silicone and now the most
popular is bovine collagen, meaning it comes from cows, or transferring fat from somewhere
else in your body.

In the US alone, there are almost 30,000 lip
surgeries per year.  However, if its slightly over done,
then you end up with bloated fish lips, or the trout pout as its sometimes known. 13  Mullet
The mullet is often referred to as business at the front, party at the back but it
has to be one of the most universally disliked haircuts that has ever existed. And the name has an interesting history.

Mullet-Headed has been an insult for a couple
of hundred years, even referenced by Mark Twain. The haircut was actually named by legendary
hip-hop group The Beastie Boys, on a track called Mullet Head. Ad-Rock describes it clearly saying Cut
the sides, don't touch the back.  Seriously, its in the dictionary that
The Beastie Boys created the term mullet 12  Fur coats
In the old days, animal skins and furs were one of the only things you could wear
to stay warm in winter.

However, now that we can make textiles from
coconut husks and, this is totally true, fermented wine, we clearly have the technology to make
amazing fabric, without all the animal murdering.  Many countries in Europe now prevent farming
animals specifically for fur and for certain species, the fur is banned completely. 11  Socks and sandals
If you are wearing a white sock, there are two things you cant put on next. One is a black shoe, youre not Michael

The second is a sandal. Socks and sandals is a look which says I
have given up on my appearance.  Surprisingly, some studies have found
trace fibres on roman sandals, which suggests that the worlds most famous sandal wearers
may have begun this horrific combination. 10  Louis Vuitton fakes
Louis Vuitton were one of the first companies ever to use a branded material.

They started out making travel cases and used
brown and beige stripes, and later their famous monogram, to help customers identify their
product.  But, ironically, their brand is now the
most faked in the world. So those wallets and handbags have gone from
being a symbol of exclusive wealth, to being associated with celebrity and cheap holiday
knock offs. 9  Ramones t-shirts
The Ramones were a hugely influential punk band, active from the mid-70s to the

And although they were quite a big band, this
isnt why you see their t-shirts all over the world.  Recently, major fashion retailers like
H&M have started selling massive quantities of band t-shirts, like The Ramones and Nirvana,
just for the design. There are plenty of kids out there wearing
one who have no idea who the band are. As you can guess, true fans are pretty annoyed
by this.

Hey ho.
8  Orange tan  In much of Europe and North America, tanning
salons and fake tan creams are an enormous business, as people try to cheat their way
to that perfect summer glow.  It used to be that tanning was a sign
of poorer, outdoor workers but this changed after the growth of air travel in the 1920s
and 30s, and through icons like Coco Channel.  Fake tans first appeared in the 1950s
and are still a growing market, despite the many orange disasters you see walking the
streets and occasionally, you know, running countries
7  Cultural appropriation  The great thing about fashion is that
it can take inspiration from anywhere and anything. The not so great thing, is that it takes them
and then hands them over to wealthy white westerners.

This year, Channel released a boomerang. It cost $2000 despite the fact that it is
basically a fake version of traditional Aboriginal art and culture. The Maasai tribe had a similar issue with
Louis Vuitton in 2012, since they copied Maasai styles but without offering any compensation. 6  Jumpsuits for men
The 70s were a very strange time for mens fashion, with trends like wearing a belt over
a knitted sweater or having a collar so high, it looks like your being protected from vampires.

But worst of all has to be the male all-in-one
jumpsuit.  Unless youre flying a plane or doing
maintenance, please have the top and bottom of your clothes separated, guys. 5  Nazi Zara
Zara create new designs in a fraction the time of most other brands. This means new clothes are hitting the stores
all the time, which is part of the reason for their success.

But some items could have done with a
bit more planning. It was supposed to have a fun, wild-west feel,
with a sheriffs badge.  But a lot of people saw it and wondered
why Zara were selling a Nazi concentration camp outfit, complete with a Star of David. Awkward.

4  Adidas shackles
Another similarly insensitive step came from Adidas. A new line of basketball sneakers were due
to be released until someone pointed out that the fun, yellow, plastic shackles that came
attached to them might not go down to well with their black audience, you know, because
slavery was a thing. 3  Flash thong
Nude beaches exist so people who want to be naked at the beach can run wild and
free, theres nothing wrong with that.  But this nightmare piece of swimwear,
very sexily named the alter lateral flash thong is so much worse than someone being

Even Paris Hilton was offended by the sight,
tweeting a picture with the hashtag #isthisajoke? 2  Coloured afros
Fashion magazines and catwalks are never as representative as they should be, with
the majority of the models being very thin and very white.  But when Vogue had a white, blonde model
called Gigi Hadid on their cover in 2015, they put her in an afro in every shot, and
the question is: why? 1  Giant Fur Keychains
Theres nothing wrong with accessorising your bag, and theres nothing wrong with
keychains. But not when the keychain is BIGGER THAN THE
BAG.  At that point youre likely going to
forget which one contains all your things and which is a useless whenever you reach

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