My name is Justine Leconte I am a fashion designerChannel trailer

My name is Justine Leconte. I'm a fashion designer. I don't agree with the way the fashion industry works today so I
created my own clothing label, in Berlin. Everything is made in Europe, at fair
wages and with high quality fabrics.

I. Get inspiration from everything I see and
hear, from the people around me, from the places I visit... And no one was showing
that creative process on YouTube. So I.

Started a channel, where I talk about
fashion. Fashion should be accessible and fun for everyone. No matter where you live, how old or how rich you are. So I share concrete tips on
how to style your body type.

I show you the trends coming up, how to build a
capsule wardrobe, how to find your personal style or how to recognize
which colors work well with your skin. This channel is for you if you're
interested in fashion and if you want to get inspired. You can also see where and
how I work: when I illustrate my designs or when I'm working on a new
project. I took you with me to the photoshoot of my first jewelry
collection and when I talked about fast fashion at TEDx, in Greece.

Last year
was only the beginning. This year we're moving forward. Subscribe to this channel and join the journey!  .

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