
This blog post has certainly been a long time coming!

The last time I wrote about SLS-free products, in particular SLS free shampoo was way back in 2013 with a SLS-Free Shampoo Review post. Since then I've continued to use them and it's been a total of seven years now since I made the switch! So I guess I have a bit of knowledge when it comes to finding the best SLS-free products and sharing the benefits of going SLS-free.

In this post I will try my best to include all the information you may be looking for! From the the best SLS-free shampoo, to the long term benefits and even how to use SLS-free shampoo... because there is a knack to it, believe it or not!

I'm a strong advocate of going SLS-free with all body products and I hope this can be an informative guide to helping you making the right decision and finding products that work for you.

Side note: This is going to be a long one! You may want to pin it for later here to come back to, especially for my shampoo recommendations.
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