Happy Monday!

This week I've been loving:

  • The fact it's March becasue March is my birthday month and therefore March is always awesome.

  • The gym-yes I have become that person.  Last week I did 2 body pump classes, a spinning and a step class-they were all fab!  

  • Dubai restaurant week-apparently this happens every year but I only learned about it this year.  A ton of swanky restaurants put on a specially curated 3 course menu for AED199.  I went to Gordon Ramsey's Bread Street Kitchen with my friend Lisa and Rib Room at Emirates Towers with the girls on Saturday.  Both really good value but Bread Street Kitchen was definitely a clear winner for the food and service.

Here are my last six lip picks:

Top row (L) MAC Huggable Lip Color in Feeling Amorous (review!) (R) Tom Ford Lips and Boys in Jake (review!) (I adore this lipstick)

Middle row (L) Marc Jacobs Love Marc Matte Lip Gel in Shout (R) Tom Ford Gloss in Peach Absolut

Bottom row (L) Charlotte Tilbury Hot Lips in Liv It Up (R) NARS Audacious lipstick in Anna (review!)

Which is your favourite??

My 100th Lip Six giveaway is in it's final week-find out all the details here

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