Taking care of ourselves is one of the most important things we can do in life. But with a frequent feeling of there aren't enough hours in a day, this vital task can often get pushed to the back of queue, often until we are at breaking point! 

Being kind to yourself really is essential. 

Whether you're stuck in a rut, realise you're neglecting your mental health or just want to be kinder to yourself, here are more than a few self-care ideas to point you in the right direction.

Have an evening of cooking/baking
Take a pampering bath or shower
Go for a walk somewhere new
Spend the day in your pyjamas
Give yourself a facial
Visit somewhere you use to go as a child
Treat yourself to a spa day (or a one-day gym pass and use the pool & sauna, because �)
Re-read your favourite book
Put on your favourite song and bed dance to it (that's lied down dancing FYI)
Take your breakfast back to spend and get up slowly

Watch some motivating self-love TED talks on YouTube
Buy yourself your favourite flowers
Treat yourself to a head or back massage
Say no to something and do something for you instead
Having a bad mental health month? Book in with a counsellor, even for a one-off session
Make a calming or happy Spotify playlist
Have an evening of imaginary indulgence online shopping - no money required
Give yourself a manicure
Go trampolining with a friend (because having fun is self-care)
Declutter and create a bag to give to charity

Make the most indulgent cookie recipe you can find and then devour it
Have a pampering evening using your favourite products and take an early night
Start a bullet journal (look on YouTube for inspiration)
Treat yourself to something comforting - a fluffy dressing gown, cashmere socks, brushed cotton bedding
Call a family member or friend for a chat
Look up your favourite childhood TV shows on YouTube
Make a real chocolate hot chocolate
Order a midweek takeaway
Take someone else's dog for a walk or just pet it!
Write a list of positive plans for the month ahead

Start a DIY project
Listen to an audio book sat outside, preferable somewhere pretty
Re-arrange someone - a bookshelf, your makeup collection, a cupboard
Visit a local national trust for the day
Do a jigsaw or start a new colouring book
Learn something new with the help of the internet (modern calligraphy, how to do the splits)
Go on a walk and collect flowers and foliage to press
Start a new TV series
Create a Pinterest board of self love quotes
Write a kind letter to yourself

Build a cosy fort in your living room, grab snacks and binge watch Netflix
Tap a nap during the day
Wrap up warm and visit the nearest beach
Make up a batch of your own Playdoh and play with it
Download the Calm app and relax for half an hour
Have an indoor picnic
Read an uplifting book
Spend time with your phone turned off (each week if you can)
Start a daily gratitude diary
Go to a comedy evening

Create your own glitter slime  - look to Instagram for inspiration
Get your hair blow dried
Research your family tree
Make plans to spend time with someone you love
Go to a playground and swing (even go down the slide!)
Buy a house plant and take care of it
Rearrange a room and add fairy lights
Play a board game with someone
Go for a run or jog
Visit your local library and sit and read in silence

Take a shower with the window open and breathe in the fresh air
Try a guided meditation session on YouTube
Sit and reminisce with a family member
Make pizza from scratch with all your favourite toppings 
Try hot yoga (a challenge in Summer, comforting in Winter)
Buy a non-gossip magazine and read it cover to cover
Paint or draw your favourite motivational quote
Watch a feel-good movie in bed
Look on Google Street View at your favourite places 
Brush your hair 100 times or someone else's

Wear your favourite piece of jewellery or clothing more often
Stay in a luxury hotel for the night
Create a scrapbook 
Go shopping
De-clutter and reorganise your makeup collection
Catch up on your favourite blogs
Treat yourself to your favourite take-out lunch
Join a book club 
Make your own indoor herb garden
Go for afternoon tea or make your own at home

Take a bath with candles, your favourite drink and something to read
Create a self-love jar
Give your home a spring clean - tidy up, open all the windows and add new flowers
Treat yourself to a hot stone massage
Visit a cat cafe and stroke cats 
Take up sewing or knitting project
Tidy up your desktop icons and find a positive quote wallpaper you will see every time you turn on your laptop 
Go to a museum or art gallery
Declutter your social media accounts from any negative people/accounts
Star a crystal collection 

Plan a fun weekend
Go to an indoor ice rink 
Join an online forum that interests you
Go out for breakfast 
Organise your wardrobe
Write a poem or a piece of creative writing 
Buy a foot spa and soak your feet after a long day 
Put positive post-it notes around the house  
Listen to a podcast in a comfortable spot with a warm drink 
Give up something that isn't good for you

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