Fashion Attacks on my mind lately
Hi loves! Maybe a few of you have noticed that the 'blog world' is going down with comments and views. It definitely depends on what you blog about! Food blogs are everywhere and suddenly everybody is pregnant and writes about it. Don't mind it all, everybody needs to do what they like. For me the fashion blogs are a little bit over. Since Instagram is here the outfit of the days are much more easier to post than when you put it on your blog. This all made me think of what I want with Fashion Attacks. Of course I want to blog! But it's hard when you don't get comments as much as last year. I made a decision that I want to blog about more stuff like lifestyle, inspiration, trends, maybe a bit interior and more of what I do. Like graphic design! And of course what is on my mind right now. A little bit of Pinterest, but then more of me personal. That was something that I needed to tell here. A little change, but Fashion Attacks will still be the same with an outfit post here and there. What are your thoughts about it? Would love to hear!

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