
Over the past 3 months I've managed to lose 2 stone (28lbs) in weight! I've achieved this by good ol' fashioned balanced healthy eating. I've remained eating carbs, takeaways and chocolate and for the first time in my life I can say dieting/my new way of eating hasn't been a struggle! 

So today I thought I'd share my tips for anyone that is currently losing weight or to motivate anyone that's thinking of dropping a few pounds. 

Just a little summery on my own weight lost journey (I hate that phrase!) - I initially decided to start losing weight after recovering from a Vitamin D deficiency that for months caused me to feel fatigue like I'd never felt it before. Due to feeling so tired my bum was firmly on the sofa or in bed most days and takeaways very much became the norm as I didn't have the energy to cook. So with my size 16 jeans feeling tight and my diet at it's worst I decided to embark on a new balanced way of eating to feel better about myself and to finally get healthy! I still have 1.5-2 stone left to lose which I'm confident I will achieve in 3 to 4 months though I'm not putting any pressure on myself as my main goal is to change my lifestyle for good and become a much healthier, happier person! 

Diet - Shmiet
As I mentioned above my aim is to change the way I eat for good and to avoid anything faddy or that I can't keep up long term. To me this isn't a diet but eating how I should be! This means nothing is restricted, especially carbs such as white potatoes which I have with evening meals when I feel like it. However I do opt for complex carbs as well, because they virtually taste the same, so whole gain rice and pasta, oatmeal and sweet potatoes. The same goes for treats, I still have them and will forever love Maltesers but I opt for the correct portion size now. As I'm seeing this more of a lifestyle change for good I also decided not to track my calories and eat intuitively instead and expect that some weeks I won't lose weight. I think it's all about balance and making it as easy as possible for yourself because changing the amount and way you eat if hard enough without throwing rules and even more restrictions into the mix! 

Find filling foods
Over the years I've tried multiple diets (and failed!) and though they've all been different they've had a theme; I was hungry a lot of the time. Yes, hunger can lead to weight loss but it's far from healthy and ultimately leads to binging or giving up and really should be avoided. So my main aim to combat feeling hungry is to have filling meals and to eat fruit the rest of the time before reaching for a processed snacks. Everyone will be different but what fills me up and satisfies me the most is complex carbs, so porridge in the morning and rice or potatoes with most evening meals. I also try to eat as much protein as I can so will often have two poached or fried eggs (cooked in coconut oil) with breakfast or lunch, fat-free Greek yogurt sweetened with honey and fruit as a snack or dessert and lots of lean meats. If you are hungry you are much more likely to over eat at meal times or eventually reach for something high in fat or sugar!

Don't be hard on yourself 
In general I believe we are all too hard and critical of ourselves, especially when it comes to losing weight! Of course tough love may work for you but I think understanding that losing weight is a huge task and there will be weeks you don't do so well can actually motivate you more than regretting and feeling guilty for a weekend of bad eating. The same goes for if you lose a pound in a week, it shows you are going in the right direction and you 100% should be pleased with yourself! It's all about positivity and self love I believe!

Favourite Foods (that keep me on track!) 
Porridge Oats - Filling yet healthy breakfast
Warburtons Thin Bagels - Just as nice as normal bagels
 The Food Doctor Multi Cereal Pitta - Cut into strips served with soup or filled with chicken & salad for lunch
Frozen Berries - Defrosted over porridge or with Greek yoghurt
  Ainsley Harriot Mulligatawny Cup Soup - Thick and only 108cals, I also use it as a quick curry sauce!
 Uncle Ben's Wholegrain Rice & Quinoa (microwave) - Quick & easy, can be mixed with beans and veg for lunches as well.
 Co-op Breaded Fish - Perfect with salad and new potatoes
Heck Chicken Italia Sausage  - Only 72 cals for two! 
Choc Shot Liquid Chocolate - 14 cals per teaspoon, amazing over fruit or banana ice-cream!

 Hopefully this has been helpful for anyone else losing weight! 

Fee xo.  

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