eBay Bargains #61 - Watch List Favourites

This blog post should have been titled "Watch List Favourites I'll Probably Mostly Likely Buy". But that wouldn't be good ...

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Latest eBay Makeup Brushes Round-up - Under �5

It seems like far too long since I reviewed any brushes from eBay, so today I thought I'd correct that and share a round up of my late...

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Autumn on eBay - My Favourite Bargain Finds

I'm currently feeling very autumnal and what better w a y to embrace that I thought, than with a themed eBay haul - because you know how...

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eBay Bargains #60 - Makeup Storage Under �10

After picking up an amazing acrylic drawer set from eBay the other day ( review post ) I decided to see what else eBay had to offer in th...

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eBay Review: Mixed Metal Brush Set... Under �5!

  Today I have another in-depth eBay review for you! I of course love my monthly eBay hauls however some products more detail given and thi...

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eBay Bargains #59 - Autumn Ready

Burnt Orange Pashmina Scarf  Shade - Camel �1.99 HERE With autumnal weather fast approaching I'm excited for scarfs to be part of my wa...

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eBay Review: Acrylic Makeup Storage... under �9!

Last week I decided with an overflowing and basically very messy makeup table that it was time I invested in some more makeup storage.  With...

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eBay Haul - What I Bought in August

August has been another good month for eBay finds ! I've picked up some amazing brush set which I blogged about separately here , along ...

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