10 Totally Free Styled Stock Images

The thing I love most about blogging is the photography side of it, I get to be as creative as I like and that makes me happy. Basically I l...

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An Insanely Clever Solution If Google Analytics Hurts Your Brain

I don't know about you, but Google Analytics makes my brain hurt - a lot.  If I spend more than 5 minutes doing anything other than loo...

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3-Hour Blog Planning: Get Motivated & Increase Pageviews

For the past 6 weeks I've been experiencing some pretty severe fatigue (thanks, Vitamin D deficiency) and the last thing I've wanted...

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My Regrets in 6 Years of Blogging

I'm not really one for regrets so this post kind of doesn't make much sense ! H owever I think we all get thoughts that pop into ou...

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